waiting for the bus?
i've seen a donkey stand perfectly still for literally hours. ok, not literally. but close.

ex-iguana. cafe flor's resident feline huntress beheaded this canoa iguana while we ate our own lunch at the next table. the kitty (not pictured) still accepted scott's offering of fried fish.
the wild ones:

swamp snake. what a cutie!!

apparently this tarantula is smart enough to know when a creature (e.g., me) is too big to eat, and consequently would not waste his venom on me. in a pinch he might pee on me. yes, tarantulas have weaponized pee.
not pictured:
grey freshwater dolphins, piranas, wild macaws, birds whose chirps sound like burbling water, prehistoric birds with claws on their wings, peregrine falcons, stray dogs, bats, frigate birds, snake birds, vultures, herons, kingfishers, caimans, various frogs and toads, four species of monkey, fire ants, and many other bugs, including the stowaway cockroach that emerged unexpectedly, from tom's luggage in quito.
OMG - what great photos and the comments just iced the cake!