nice packaging! nice buzz, too -- this place is fully buried amidst the warehouses, and there were all kinds of yuppies and yipsters and their stylish childrenz and babyz standing in line for a sanderson. i guess i was there too, so i shouldn't judge.
here is the kale, fromage blanc and fried peppers baguette. flavors = great. i loved the use of tart, creamy fromage blanc with juicy, savory kale and the prick of the spicy peppers. texture = comme ci, comme ca. yeah, a baguette sounds cool on the menu. but for me, i prefer a more friendly bread in the sandwich context. i mean, i can get whiplash trying to rip a bite off the baguette mothership.
ok, confession: i loved chicharrones as a little angelena, back when they were known less-sexily as pork skins. i am so excited that they are hip to eat now and that artisty people are making kick-ass pork skins from happy, well-loved pigs! these are totally good. (maybe a tad overflavored? no, i'm just being overpicky -- they are totally good.) i am uncomfortably aware that they are available at some bars in san francisco (e.g., elixir) where i might have a hard time showing restraint.
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