Tuesday, April 28, 2009

fried oyster benedict

this fried oyster benedict from serpentine is exactly as delicious as you want it to be. the cornmeal-battered oysters -- perfectly fried -- provide kind of a clifflike cradle for the eggs -- perfectly poached -- to flop all over.

a few years ago, i saw a tv special about a guy who went all over the u.s., photographing nude folks. one woman he photographed in (i think it was) new york -- across the river from the city, with a bridge in the background. she was posed on these really jagged black rocks, and because she was so lushly, beautifully overweight, all her luminous white skin was sort of softly resting against the rocks, and folding over them, but in a joyous way that didn't look uncomfortable. that contrast was what made the picture so beautiful to me. i wouldn't necessarily elevate this benedict to the order of Art, but do i get a little hint of the same excellent contrast from the egg/fried oyster relationship.

again, i recommend substituting biscuit for the cornbread that the menu offers.

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