Good day! Let me first remark the fact that you actually managed to create a stunning portal. Will you be so kind and provide an answer to my question. Did you run in some sort of competitions among bloggers?
yeah, rmk is traveling for a while. a year, to be exact. so the experiment is transitioning from exclusively food to, you know, more. uh-huh, more. because there's a lot more out there. like, for example: whisky, cool humans, revolutions, blinky lights, as-yet-unidentified diseases, and giant lizards. and fairies, maybe. hopefully.
so now, rmk appreciates awesome stuff, sometimes eats it, and maybe writes about it. it's anyone's guess whether she'll keep up with this (that's the "experiment" part -- she's still somewhat unreliable like that).
Good day! Let me first remark the fact that you actually managed to create a stunning portal. Will you be so kind and provide an answer to my question. Did you run in some sort of competitions among bloggers?